Cash Purchase & Sale Agreement


SELLER: Sell Land Fast, LLC
4300 W Lake Mary Blvd. Suite 1010 #374
Lake Mary, FL 32746-2012

The Seller and Buyer, above agree to sell and buy on the terms and conditions specified below, the property situated in , , described as:



2. PURCHASE PRICE: payable by Buyer in U.S. funds. All funds paid at closing must be paid by cashier’s check or wire transfer.

3. CASH: Buyer will pay cash for the Property with no financing contingency.

4. CLOSING DATE & OCCUPANCY: This contract will be closed and the deed and possession delivered on or before , un less extended by other provisions of this contract.


(a) Buyer will pay a down payment of via online invoice within 48 hours of receiving this agreement. 
 Buyer will pay a closing fee of to cover closing fees (deed preparation, recording fees, documentary stamp taxes, title insurance).
(c) Seller holds an active Florida sales associate real estate license, but is not acting as an agent in this transaction.
(d) Closing will take place with an Attorney, Title Company, or Notary of Public

6. TITLE: Seller will convey marketable title to the property by Statutory/Special Warranty/Grant Deed or Trustee, Personal Representative, or Guardian Deed as appropriate to the Seller’s status, being free of all liens and encumbrances of record.

7. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE: This agreement shall automatically expire on  7:00pm EST if not accepted within that time.

This agreement is binding on the heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns of Buyer and Seller. By signing below, each party accepts this offer.

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Cash Purchase & Sale Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: d34d8f723dcb3ec82466d3a96c242b65f3e90752
Timestamp Audit
September 1, 2020 12:45 pm EDTCash Purchase & Sale Agreement Uploaded by James Karban - [email protected] IP 2603:9001:c01:39cf:a0a7:7772:e302:2878